Halloween for kids

Halloween for kids
There were no older kids at this one, but the youngest like the little girl standing on the left side appeared kind of dazed and confused. I don't think she wanted to hit the pinata.

Halloween for kids

There were no older kids at this one, but the youngest like the little girl standing on the left side appeared kind of dazed and confused. I don't think she wanted to hit the pinata.

sshpass -p "J48MeKXuEjyfgd32" scp /home/pics/Desktop/websites/duba.org/pics/2018/DSC00228_i.html duba@duba.org:./www/pics/2018/DSC00228_i.html sshpass -p "J48MeKXuEjyfgd32" scp /home/pics/Desktop/websites/duba.org/pics/2018/DSC00228_i.JPG duba@duba.org:./www/pics/2018/DSC00228_i.JPG sshpass -p "J48MeKXuEjyfgd32" scp /home/pics/Desktop/websites/duba.org/pics/2018/DSC00228_t.JPG duba@duba.org:./www/pics/2018/DSC00228_t.JPG